This is not all of the Moz15's, but a good majority of it. We decided to hike to the large pile of rocks where we can stand on them and be in 3 countries at once, Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland. We didn't get harrassed by border control!!! :)

I am trying to show my strength here and I am actually balancing on my hands on top of the rock while in 3 different countries at once....but it actually just looks like I am leapfrogging...No big deal.

I decided to do a little off on my own. That background is Namaacha, my home for 2 months.

These were the coolest trees ever! And it provided awesome shade from the African sun! The girls: Ali, Annie, Ushma, and I

And of course I have to get a picture with Jason!!!!
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