So, for Christmas and New Year’s, I spent the time on a beach. Yes, it was just SO tough…being able to swim everyday, seeing the sun rise over the ocean, laying in a hammock to read, all really difficult things to do… And to top it off, I look tan! J
Okay, don’t steal my thunder here! (I know a tan for me isn’t necessarily all that dark when you look at my Nurrenbern side of the family!) My Granny tans so easily, my dad, my uncle…but not me. I may look like my dad, I may even have a lot of similar traits as my dad (at least I like to think I do), but I don’t have his skin. As my grandma in Namaacha said, I turn into a tomato when I’m in the sun. Not this time! This time I got tan! I haven’t seen my dad’s tan in a long time, but looking at the contrast on my own skin, I’m amazed! J I’m not going to give away my whole secret, but it has something to do with sunscreen and not tanning oil, and the African sun. Just sayin’…
I do find myself reminiscing about my father (as one would) and I don’t mean to compare my life to his because they are definitely different, but at the same time, similar. For instance, my dad was not much of a traveler and I, obviously, am. But at the same time, my dad had a mind of his own and spoke it and did pretty much anything he set his mind to. And in that, I’m trying to follow his footsteps. I would like to say that I am at least a little like that…Okay, this got a bit deep for a blog, let me get back on the right track I was meaning to go….
Life in the bush in Africa I find can be very similar to life on a farm in the
There’s probably more, but that’s what I got right now. And definitely correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not going to lie, all my life I kind of wanted to experience that lifestyle…one that my dad grew up in.
I was actually ready to dig a hole to make my “fridge” and use a charcoal stove to cook on. Go figure I’m a volunteer who was provided a fridge and gas stove… And, yeah, I know, in a year (more or less) I’m going to appreciate the gas stove and fridge…J And technically I could “ignore” that I have them… but… I’m not right now…
So, in essence, what I was getting to with this blog is: I look like my dad even more now because I have a good tan. That’s it. J
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