One of the ladies I buy my flour from or rice and it's weighed in the thing you see in the picture. I can also buy a few other things in Makwakwa as you see the shelves behind her.

These are the typical houses of Makwakwa, made of mud walls and straw roofs. No windows, very small, but it's only used to sleep. And even then in the hot weather, people bring their mosquito nets and mattresses outside and sleep outside instead.

Here we are heading into Makwakwa, the vila now. I know it looks kind of like nothing, but remember, I'm in the bush. :)

I could use a gas stove. I have one, but I ran out of gas. Plus, for my Peace Corps experience, I was looking more towards using a charcoal stove anyways. Yes, it becomes a bit more of a pain when I have to cook all the time. No simple sandwiches here so much. And it's definitely not my sister's 5 burner gas stove... Replacing gas here is also a pretty big hassle, so overall, I'm saving money and getting my Peace Corps experience I wanted.

Out by my clothes line. And yes, I made those pants myself. The outfit is a bit ridiculous right now cause I had no other shirts that were clean. Laundry day!
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