That's my friends Shannon (who is burying me) and Julie (who is pointing and taking the picture) and me being made into a mermaid I do believe.

But before I was a mermaid, I was a jellyfish/octopus, and I just stung Shannon. Wahahaha!

And before that, I buried Shannon and made her into that superhero duck person that gets around on one wheel. I always forget the name of this cartoon character...

Julie and I "running" into the water in Tofu.

I made my friends "boleia" everywhere we went. In other words, we hitchhiked. I hate the chapas (little tiny vans that can somehow always fit more and more people when you think they are full). The chapas probably wouldn't be as bad if my legs weren't so long and my head not hitting the ceiling. Hence, private cars or the back of trucks are definitely the way to go.
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